
Finance Help

One big happy family

By Finance Help

More Australian families are moving in with parents or in-laws in a bid to stake their claim in the property market and save everyone a bundle along the way. Multi-generational housing has risen by more than 60 per cent over the past three decades, according to a 2013 report by the University of NSW City Futures Research Centre.

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Buyer beware the bargains

By Finance Help, Investing In Property

Limited cash flow and equity mean many first-time property investors feel the need to chase down a bargain to enter the market. But, like most things in life, you usually get what you pay for, which – in the case of property – can mean unrealised returns or even losses. While there’s nothing wrong with paying less in the hope of making more, investors need to understand when a cheap property is truly a bargain and when they could be selling (or rather buying) themselves short.

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Village life

By Finance Help, News

For many Australians retirement is an opportunity to down-size their homes and simplify their lives. For more than 138,000 retirees*, that means opting for life in a retirement village.

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Super savings

By Finance Help, News

In March this year Australian workers had more than $1.8 trillion stored away in superannuation funds, in part thanks to a system that generally requires employers to pay a contribution on employees’ behalf. From July 1, this required employer contribution jumped .25% to 9.5%.*
For many wage and salary earners who benefit from these compulsory super contributions, super is often something they think about once a year when their statement arrives in the mail. But we could all benefit from paying more attention to what are essentially our future funds.
According to MoneySmart Week, a not-for-profit movement set up to boost our financial literacy, one of the best ways to get a better handle on your superannuation is to consolidate your super accounts. We’re part of a group that is proud to be a key supporter of MoneySmart Week (September 1-7) set up to encourage Australians to take simple steps to make their money work harder and go further, now and well into the future. Here’s our guide to building a better financial future by consolidating your super funds.

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